December snow

Many adults tend to think back on their childhood days. Selective memorization has a way of recalling only the best of times, often leaving out the emotional struggles, and the hurt and heartbreaks, the lack of being accepted, and the peer-pressure and angst that accompanied our long lost adolescence. Growing up was tough back in the day. It’s no easier for today’s youth either, especially considering the technology available at every teen’s fingertips. The danger is almost everywhere
. Cyberbullying and sexting are not new social occurrences. They have come to the forefront recently due to the fact that in a few extreme instances these technological phenomena have led to teen suicides and even more recently – the fall from sports icons and child pornography charges issued against some who shared sexual photos using a cell phone or computer. People like Tiger Woods and Brett Favre are common childhood heroes. So when the children see what’s on the news, they could think that these actions are appropriate internet actions. Over 40% of all teenagers with internet access report being bullied online. The National Crime Prevention Center study found that only 10% of those kids who were bullied told their parents about the incident. Out of the 40%, 18% of the cases were reported to a local or national law enforcement agency. Only 15% of parents know about their kids social networking habits, and how these actions can lead to cyberbullying. That means almost 9 out of 10 parents don’t know anything about their children’s online lives. They could be dating, talking with strangers, bullying, and being bullied .
Right now, the most common virtual locations for cyberbullying are chat rooms, social networking web sites, email and instant message systems. Social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace are growing fast, and so are the cyberbullying incidents originating from them. Experts believe that they will soon overtake chat rooms as the top source of cyberbullying problems worldwide. 58% of 4th through 8th graders reported having mean or cruel things said to them online. 53% said that they have said mean or hurtful things to others while online. 42% of those studied said that they had been cyberbullied, but almost 60% have never told their parents about the incident. Avoiding these hurtful actions is easier than you think. One; DO NOT give your information to anyone; not even your friends. Two; stay away from instant chat parties and anyone you do not know. Three; don’t be on the internet 24/7. There are better things to than updating statuses and chatting all of the time. Avoiding the internet may save your self-esteem and in some occasion, your life.

Harry Bertioa is a mastermind to some. He has had a wonderfully successful life from his birth and boyhood in 1915 to his death in 1978. He lived a happy, some-what simple life with his wife Brigette Valentiner. His friends Walter,
When Harry was 15, he traveled from his country of Italy to Detroit in the U.S. to visit his brother. After staying for a while, he decided to stay for good. He enrolled into Cass Technical High School. There he studied art and design and learned about the art of handmade jewelry. In 1938 or when he was 22, he attended the Art School of the Detroit Society of Arts and Crafts. This well known school is now known as the Detroit College for Creative Studies. The next year he received a scholarship to attend the Cranbrook Academy for Art. It was here where he met Walter Gropius, Edmund N. Bacon and Ray and Charles Eames.
He launched his career 1939 with a metal works workshop and school. In his school, he taught how to work with metal and how to work with jewelry. Later on, because the war effort, metal was very rare and expensive. Harry decided to put his metal workshop to the side and work on his jewelry skills. He even designed the wedding rings for Charles and Ray Eames and Edmund Bacon's wife Ruth.
In 1943 he married Brigitte Valentiner. They moved to California to work with Charles and Ray for the Evans Product Company. Evens provided technical work for airplanes and
Harry Bertoia wanted his creations to be stylish but yet, be comfortable and healthy for your back. He made just that with his variety of chairs and benches. His most popular though is the Diamond Chair. This welded steel chair is perfect for any room. The thin steel strips are welded together into a diamond shape with the corners pointing up, down, left, and right. It bends down where you would sit and is made for fitting perfect with your back. When you get it, you have the choice between sittings on the wire mesh or you can put stuffed cover if you want to just relax.